Travel Guide to Sustainable Tourism in India

Updated on Jun 24, 2024 | Indian e-Visa

Sustainable Tourism has become very popular worldwide. Have you ever thought why? Because everyone wants to protect the environment. We should, at least now. People enjoy exploring the world. While exploring, we must take great care to protect the environment, Mother Nature, and the country at all costs. So this article is a guide to sustainable tourism in India.

Foreign nationals can enter India with an Indian e-Visa. There are 5 types of Indian e-Visa. If you are traveling to India for tourism purposes, please opt for an Indian tourist e-Visa from the list for a hassle-free procedure. Please visit the the Indian e-Visa website, check for your eligibility, find the application form, choose your e-Visa type, upload the necessary documents, and proceed.

Understanding Sustainable Tourism

Understanding sustainable tourism is quite crucial these days. Sustainable tourism avoids or minimizes the harmful effects of tourism on the environment, nature, and economy. This includes a series of measures to take when traveling to different nations. As tourists/explorers, it is our responsibility not to cause any harm. Thus, understanding sustainable tourism involves safeguarding the environment and cultural resources while helping local communities.

Learning and Educating

One of the most important parts of sustainable tourism is educating oneself and sharing it with fellow travelers. Before visiting a place, one should also understand its culture, environment, and other challenges. After entering the nation, travelers can participate in activities like educational tours, volunteering, etc. organized by NGOs and other local communities.

How to educate yourself and others?

Educational Tours

There will be many educational tours, so participate, and understand more about eco-tours and sustainability.

Cultural Immersion

Cultural immersion can help one to know more about the local communities and their way of life.

Join Volunteering

Join volunteering initiatives to contribute to the local communities.

There are more ways to understand the place and sustainability. We hope you give at least one of these a shot.

Sustainable Activities in India

India encourages a variety of sustainable activities that facilitate eco-friendly and responsible tourism. Moreover, it thrills the visitors and makes them happy and relaxed. Here are some examples-

Wildlife Safaris

India is home to a wide range of national parks and wildlife reserves. Most of them offer wildlife safaris as a part of eco-tourism. This allows tourists to appreciate the beauty of nature while simultaneously encouraging the conservation of natural resources and wildlife.


There are so many trekking options for adventurers. Through trekking travelers get an opportunity to enjoy the wild mountain ranges of India, helping promote sustainable tourism.

Sustainable Accommodation

Travelers can opt for sustainable accommodation as a part of sustainable tourism. This helps minimize environmental impact and helps local communities in many ways.

Eco-Tourism Activities

Bamboo rafting, cycling, bird watching, etc. like eco-tourism activities can be practiced as a part of sustainable tourism.

Sustainable Tourism Initiatives Taken in India

Sustainable tourism has become an integral aspect of India's tourism industry. Some of the initiatives as part of sustainable tourism taken by the government of India and other private organizations are as follows-

  • Responsible Tourism
  • Eco-Tourism Development
  • National Green Tribunal
  • Community-based Tourism
  • Wildlife Conservation
  • Waste Management
  • Renewable Energy

Sustainable Tourism Destinations in India

Destination Location
Kanha National Park Madhya Pradesh
Jim Corbett National Park Uttarakhand
Great Himalayan National Park Himachal Pradesh
Khimsar Village Rajasthan
Ananda Spa Resort Uttarakhand
Ladakh The northernmost union territory of India
Coorg Karnataka
Periyar National Park Kerala
Kaziranga National Park Assam
Sunderbans National Park West Bengal
Spiti Valley Himachal Pradesh

Supporting Local Communities

Supporting local communities is another cornerstone of sustainable tourism. Travelers can witness many souvenir shops, restaurants, and other local activities in the tourist destinations. Supporting them enhances their livelihood and the local economy.

How can you help local communities?

  • Buy local handicrafts
  • Eat at local restaurants
  • Use local guides
  • Participate in local activities

Minimize the Usage of Plastic

India has been facing plastic management issues. So, as a tourist please minimize your plastic footprint in India. The Indian government has implemented several initiatives to reduce the use of plastic. However, residents and visitors/guests also must follow that. Carrying Reusable water bottles, and reusable bags, not throwing wrappers here and there, using waste bins, etc. would help.

Respecting Wildlife and Nature

India has an extensive variety of flora and animal species. Respecting them while enjoying the environment and wildlife is essential. Please adhere to any laws established by forest authorities and such tourism destinations. Please refrain from using flashlight cameras, feeding animals, entering animal habitats, throwing rubbish, and using any burning things such as lighters. Camping and walking are permitted, but please do not disturb the animals or the wood at any cost.

Sustainable tourism is not just a trend, it is all about protecting the environment for the upcoming generations. Be a part of it.

Medical tourism in India refers to people travelling to India worldwide to receive medical treatment. The main reasons behind the popularity of medical tourism in India are its high-quality healthcare services, affordable costs, and the availability of world-class facilities. Learn more at The Full Guide to Medical Tourism in India

Citizens of many countries including United States, Canada, France, New Zealand, Australia, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, Italy, Singapore, United Kingdom, are eligible for Indian Visa Online (eVisa India) including visiting beaches of India on tourist visa. Resident of over 180 countries quality for Indian Visa Online (eVisa India) as per Indian Visa Eligibility and apply the Indian Visa Online offered by the Government of India.